The Magic of Doing One Thing at a Time
I am sharing the following blog post written by Tony Schwartz, Harvard Business Review Blog. It’s terrific! Enjoy! https://hbr.org/2012/03/the-magic-of-doing-one-thing-a.html
Operationalizing Compassion
Huh? What's up with the jargon? This note isn't about why compassion is important or why it matters; it's about how to do it or be it--especially in moments when it's hard. I want to give you a technique for this: I call it story writing. We all create stories in our...
“Zane has been one of the most influential figures in my adult growth and emotional/spiritual maturity. He has given me the tools to stretch well beyond my comfort zone and recognize unique opportunities to grow and develop. His coaching style is to facilitate self-discovery rather than textbook formulas that don’t always apply. He is quite possibly the most talented listener and advisor for personal growth and self-exploration that I have come across. He is and will remain one of my closest personal advisors …”