Developing Mindful Leaders for the C-Suite
The short article below is from the Harvard Business Review and was written by Bill George, the former CEO of Medtronic and author of True North. It is well worth your time to read. https://hbr.org/2014/03/developing-mindful-leaders-for-the-c-suite/
What the Super Bowl has to teach us
With the Super Bowl coming up this Sunday, I want to invite you to notice something important during the game. Odds are, in the fourth quarter there will be a team that is clearly losing. At some point the camera will pan some of the players on the sidelines of the...
Reducing stress…and a whole lot more!
I am sharing the following blog post written by Greg McKeown, Harvard Business Review blog. It's terrfific. Enjoy! https://hbr.org/2013/11/reduce-your-stress-in-two-minutes-a-day
The Power of Two Minutes a Day
The research is clear: Those who meditate daily are more productive, less stressed, more focused, and make better decisions. So why aren't we all taking advantage of this powerful tool? Some version of I'm too busy" is the most common reason I hear from my coaching...
Technical Debt
I was recently coaching a senior executive at Microsoft and he was explaining that one of his challenges was a struggle over "technical debt." Not having heard this term before I asked him to explain it to me. This is what he said: Technical debt is what happens when...
What Captures Your Attention Controls Your Life
I am sharing the following blog post written by Kare Anderson, Harvard Business Review Blog. It's great. Enjoy! https://hbr.org/2012/06/what-captures-your-attention-c
“Zane has been one of the most influential figures in my adult growth and emotional/spiritual maturity. He has given me the tools to stretch well beyond my comfort zone and recognize unique opportunities to grow and develop. His coaching style is to facilitate self-discovery rather than textbook formulas that don’t always apply. He is quite possibly the most talented listener and advisor for personal growth and self-exploration that I have come across. He is and will remain one of my closest personal advisors …”