Reaching the Peak – Coaching & Development for Executive Leaders & Teams
I help executive leaders and teams achieve their professional and personal goals by providing life changing coaching and development.
As a Master Coach, I focus on the issues and opportunities facing successful business executives. Many of my clients are senior executives and/or fast track rising stars, most of whom would describe themselves as highly driven, type “A” personalities. The approach I take is a “whole life” approach in which we look at the client’s life as a whole. The fundamental questions we are seeking to answer are, “What do you want out of life?” and “What is blocking you from achieving it?” The focus is on personal growth and development, which almost always brings significant professional results as well. The results I have consistently achieved with my clients include increased peace, calm, and clarity of purpose in their personal and professional life. As a result they are more focused and effective in reaching their goals.
As a facilitator, I work with executive leadership teams on issues ranging from strategic alignment, to trust, communication, change management, peak performance, culture, collaboration, and more.
Zane Robertson Biography
Education: Stanford University, Graduate School of Business, MBA; Carleton College, BA, Economics, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa
Business Experience: Zane has been leading organizations for over 30 years, including roles as President and Co-Founder of Active Minds, a Denver-based provider of educational seminars for seniors and adults, President of a $10 million printing company which he sold in 2003, National Director of Operations for a 500-store food service chain, a strategy consultant with Bain & Company, and a Financial Analyst with Morgan Stanley & Co. When he began coaching almost twenty years ago, Zane founded a consulting firm specializing in personal growth and leadership coaching for high performance business executives. In total, Zane has founded four companies and led two others as President or Chairman.
Training and certification: The Hoffman Institute, Graduate; The ManKind Project, Staff Certification/Training; Young Presidents Organization, Certified Forum Facilitator; Stanford University, Interpersonal Dynamics; Enneagram Certification; various mindfulness and Zen meditation trainings.
Coaching & Facilitation: Zane’s coaching and facilitation experience spans a wide variety of industries including financial services, consulting, technology/software, real estate/construction, travel, insurance, private equity, retail, professional sports, non-profits, and more. Client companies typically range from $10 million to $500 million and larger, including Microsoft, ADP, Colliers International, Bain & Company, Wellington Management, Lockton Insurance Company, Special Olympics, and United Airlines. Recent clients include: CEO, real estate development; President, software/technology; EVP, insurance; Executive Director, non-profit; COO, professional services; Partner, private equity.
As a member and leader of the Young Presidents Organization (YPO), Zane has extensive experience with YPO Forums, groups of CEOs working together on a blend of business skills, interpersonal dynamics, transformational learning and growth, and leadership. He is a highly sought after YPO Forum facilitator. (See below.)
In addition, Zane has worked as a staff leader since 2006 for the Mankind Project, a global organization that utilizes transformational learning techniques extensively in its work to achieve breakthrough results for individuals. Key elements of transformation learning, such as shifting perspectives and emotional awareness have been central to his coaching and leadership for decades.
All of Zane’s coaching and leadership work is built upon the foundational notion that adults can and do develop and change continuously over time and that this process can be guided toward clear goals and objectives. He brings extensive knowledge of current neuroscience and its relevance to adult development and learning, including what is known as “neuroplasticity” and the implications of this research for the change process for leaders. Zane is a frequent speaker at conferences and published author on the neuroscience of adult development.
LinkedIn Profile – CLICK HERE
YPO Forum Facilitation
Zane has been a member of the Young Presidents Organization (YPO) since 2000 and has deep experience all aspects of YPO Forum. He has been in a YPO Forum for over two decades, served as Moderator, chapter Forum Officer, member of the YPO International Forum Committee, and lead trainer for incoming Forum Officers worldwide at the YPO Global Leadership Conference. He is a YPO Certified Forum Facilitator and has led over 100 YPO Forum retreats, trainings, and special events since 2005. His YPO facilitator rating is consistently in the top 2% of all YPO facilitators worldwide (9.8-10.0).